Community Resource Library

The SESC Community Resource Library is a collection of resources for parents, families, staff and students. The collection is housed within the Stonecrest library and includes books, puzzles, flash cards, educational games, curriculum documents, and other materials.

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The goals of the Community Resource Library are:

  • To provide support materials for use by parents, families, staff, and students
  • To enhance parent engagement
  • To promote equity

To build the library collection, the SESC developed a comprehensive list of themes/topics/issues and a “wish list” of items in each category. Some items were free, some were donated, and others were purchased using funding from several Ministry of Education Parents Reaching Out (PRO) Grants. Efforts to fill the collection with items from the wish list are ongoing.

Subjects covered by the library include: ADD/ADHD, Adoption, Allergies, Anxiety/Depression/Mental Health, Arts/Music/Culture, Autism, Behaviour Issues, Bullying, Child Development/Psychology, Communication, Divorce/Step-Parenting, Early Years, Educational Games, Family Crisis/Grief, First Aid, First Nations/Métis/Inuit, French Language Resources, LGBTQ, Gifted Kids, Health, Homework Help, Identifying Needs, Language-Based Learning Disabilities, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, Numeracy, Nutrition, Ontario Curriculum, Parenting, Parenting Teens, Physical Literacy and Exercise, Physical Disabilities, Puberty/Sexuality, Storybooks for Kids on Sensitive Topics, Study Skills/Organization, Successful Learners, Technology & Internet Safety, and Values & Morals.

All of the items in the resource library collection are catalogued online; browse the entire collection, browse by category, or search for a specific item at

The next time you are at the school, visit the library and browse the collection! To borrow an item, see the Librarian or fill out a Check-Out Form and leave it on the Librarian’s desk. Or, find an item online and send a note to the Librarian requesting that it be checked out and sent home with your child.

The borrowing period is two weeks.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with comments or suggestions to our SESC Community Resource Library Committee

All feedback is welcome!

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