What's For Lunch?

Everything you need to know about school lunches...

Stonecrest operates on a Balanced School Day schedule.

Students have two 45-minute breaks, with time for eating and physical activity at each break.

  • Morning break is at 11:15 am
  • Afternoon break is at 2:00 pm
Kindergarten students are allowed an additional “snack time” in the morning if they feel hungry. Fruit, vegetables, or yogurt for this snack period is highly recommended.
For each nutrition break, pack food that includes at least three of the four food groups from Canada’s Food Guide:
  • Vegetables and Fruit
  • Grain Products
  • Milk and Alternatives
  • Meat and Alternatives

Different ways to divide up food through the day:

Example #1
Morning Nutrition Break – 1/2 Lunch + Snack
Afternoon Nutrition Break – 1/2 Lunch + Snack

Example #2
Morning Nutrition Break – Snack
Afternoon Nutrition Break – Lunch

Example #3
Morning Nutrition Break – Lunch
Afternoon Nutrition Break – Snack

Example #4
Morning Nutrition Break – Breakfast/Brunch Afternoon Nutrition Break – Lunch

Different ways to pack for 2 nutrition breaks:

  • Have 2 separate lunch kits
  • OR, have one lunch kit but pack the food in separate containers and label them #1 or #2
  • OR, have one lunch kit with 2 separate compartments
  • OR, use a piece of cardboard to divide up the lunch bag so that the child eats everything above the cardboard in the first break and then lifts the card and eats the rest at the second break

Be aware of food allergies. Parents and guardians are encouraged not to send nuts or other foods identified as foods to avoid in the classroom.

Your child will be encouraged to:

  • Wash their hands before eating
  • Eat perishable food first and save uneaten items for later
  • Bring a reusable water bottle to refill as necessary
  • Eat their healthy food first 

Other tips, tricks, and things to know:

  • Early Childhood Educators or lunchtime monitors supervise students during nutrition breaks
  • Because this may be a new environment, and eating amongst 20+ other students can be a social event, students may not finish their lunches or eat as much as you may expect
  • Send food in reusable containers that your child can manage independently
  • Write your child’s name on their lunch kit, water bottle and any other containers
  • Send reusable drink containers… Partially consumed juice boxes are messy!
  • Avoid using plastic wrap because children find it hard to pull apart Keep foods at a safe temperature:
    • To keep foods hot, use an insulated bottle or thermos; fill the bottle with boiling water and let it stand for a few minutes, then empty the bottle and fill it with hot food
    • To keep food cold, use an insulated lunch bag and add a freezer pack or other frozen item (reusable drink container or yogurt)
  • To keep lunch kits clean, throw the entire kit in the dishwasher!
  • Involve your child in planning and making their lunches
  • Send a variety of foods:
    • Mains: sandwich, pasta, wrap, bagel, pizza, stew, soup, or chili
    • Offer a selection of crackers or a different variety each week
    • Cut fruit into pieces and squeeze a little lemon on apples, pears or bananas to stop them from going brown
    • Cut up vegetables and send dip in a separate container
    • Bake muffins or a loaf on the weekend to use during the week
    • In the depths of winter, dried fruit is a good alternative to fresh
  • When making weekend meals, make extra and freeze leftovers in individual portions
  • Limit sugary juices and foods with unpronounceable ingredients, additives, and dyes
  • Be aware of changing energy needs and send more food during growth spurts SESC


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