Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year at Stonecrest ES

Dear Stonecrest Families:
We are looking forward to welcoming students back to the school next week when our school year starts on Tuesday, September 3rd.
School start and end times: The school day starts at 9:15 and goes until 3:45. Here’s the link to our Stonecrest ES Drop Off/Pick Up Map if you are dropping off and picking up by car, and to the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority for bus route and transportation information. If you are dropping off a child at the start of the school day, please be aware that they cannot arrive before 9:00. The yard is closed before 9:00 and there is no supervision. We also ask that parents dropping off please ensure that they walk their children to the curb in front of the school or gate of the yard, but kindly request that parents/guardians not enter the school yard. Staff will be on hand to help your child find their teacher, entry door, and friends.
Homeroom and Teacher Information: By tomorrow, Friday night August 30, or first thing Saturday morning, we will be sending every family a message letting them know the name of their child’s teacher and homeroom, and the entry door of the school where they can meet their teacher and classmates. We are still working on our class lists with new registrations coming in every day. Some teachers may be reaching out before that also.
Library Books: If there are any school library books still at home that turned up over the summer, please send them in.
School Supplies for K-8: Please click on the Stonecrest ES School Supplies Link for information on voluntary school supplies for 2024-2025. If you have not yet purchased items, you may wish to hear from your child’s teacher next week. Also, any additional donations of new or gently used glue sticks, pencils, scissors, and dry erase markers for our students to learn with are always appreciated.
Voluntary Student Activity Fees: Starting in September 2024, we will be asking for Voluntary Student Activity fees. The school fee is optional and will be through https://ocdsb.schoolcashonline.com effective September 3rd. The school fee will be $20.00. If you have more than two children attending Stonecrest ES the voluntary family fee amount will be $50.00. This will be used to supplement our students’ school experience, and enhance the programming and materials. Funds for the 2024-2025 school year will be used to cover the cost of student agendas, kindergarten room colour t-shirts (for school start up and excursions to identify students by homeroom), STEM workshops, Scientists in the Schools type workshops, a Kindergarten/Primary workshop such as Rock the Arts, Intermediate ParaSports workshops, line painting for Track and Field and pavement games such as Four-Square and Hopscotch, and to assist in supporting the costs of field trips. Each year, we will report on how funds have been spent. Opportunities to access all programs, activities and school resources will continue to be provided to all students.
Mobile Devices (Student Devices): As you are no doubt aware, there is a new Policy/Program Memorandum 128 (PPM 128) regarding personal mobile devices (cell phones, smart watches, airpods, etc.) for students. This stems from provincial guidelines. Please see this Stonecrest Mobile Devices Restrictions Letter for details. In summary, like last year, all students from K-8 are to have mobile devices off and away from the time they step onto school property in the morning to the end of the school day. There are some exceptions (medical, etc. ), or if there is a particular time that a staff member may give a student permission. Additional information can be found in the letter, and please reach out if you have any questions.
Medical Information about Your Child: Please see the linked and attached medical forms. If you have a child with a medical condition and you have not completed and submitted these to the main office, we ask you to do so as soon as possible.
Plan of Care for Students with Life-Threatening Medical Conditions
Handling of Prescribed Medication for Students (Non-Life-Threatening)
Stay safe and well. We cannot wait to see our school open its doors to welcome our learners and families to the joy and learning of the 2024-2025 school year. For information about upcoming events and days, please check our Stonecrest Web Page Calendar. Please feel free to call us at the main office at 613-832-5527 or email us at stonecrestes@ocdsb.ca
Nancy Dlouhy and Mark Hooper
Principal Vice Principal